042 : 009 Hypertrophy + Capacity (Copy)

10-minute air bike and big legs is a fair summary of my winter goals. This is a bit of “fun” with the sled and air bike, kind of a 2-for-one session, the hope is the constant feeling that the thing stopping you is that your legs are simply too small to handle all the waste building up. 


10 minutes hard fan bike


15m sled push

:30 air bike at race pace

15m sled

Rest appropriately 

15m sled push

1:00 air bike at race pace

15m sled push

Rest appropriately 

15m sled push 

:30 air bike at race pace

2x 15m sled push

:30 air bike at race pace

15m sled push

Rest appropriately

15m sled push

1:00 air bike at race pace

2x15m sled push

:30 air bike at race pace

15m sled push

Rest appropriately

15m sled push

1:00 air bike at race pace

2x15m sled push

1:00 air bike at race pace

15m sled push


The intro fan bike is not a test but should impact the workout. The “race pace” is the desired pace for the 10-minute test. The sled should be heavy enough to make the legs feel a little wobbly, we used a 45# plate on a rogue dogsled on smooth rubber flooring, turf or diamond plate rubber would impact the appropriate weight. The main goal here is to hop on the bike with legs that feel compromised, but where the lungs and headspace are still pretty solid. We want to get used to turning over the pedals at the right pace through the exhaustion. IF you slip on the pace, rest longer or stop progressing the difficulty and do a few rounds of the hardest sled/bike combo that you can sustain. 


042 : 010 Quest For the Hyper trophy S6E1 (legs) (Copy)


042 : 008 “Functional Bodybuilding” (Copy)