First Contact 0.09 Capacity
3x5 Hip CARs
With a bunch of biking volume in this session, it’s good to get the Hips opened up early. For this session, we’re placing mobility first to use the warmup/PreFatigue as a way to flow right into the work portion. So take your time going through these, especially having just done a leg day leading into this session.
4 x 30/30
4 x 30/30
Right into
3-30 by 3s (3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30)
Calories on Machine of choice
Total Lunges
For the warmup piece, this is 8 total minutes of work. For the first 4 minutes, you will alternate every 30 seconds between rebounding and alternating kicks. After the 4th set of alternating kicks, you’ll go into the next 4-minute piece which is the same format but the movements are 30 seconds of box jumps and then 30 seconds of Step ups. Once you’ve completed the 4th set of step-ups, take a couple of minutes to set up for the work portion. You’ll need a machine at the bare minimum plus any weights if you care to weight to the lunges. Take into consideration this is a total of 165 calories and 165 lunges so this is a bunch of volume inbound, so weight it accordingly (light) if you choose to. This session is what we call a “ladder.” So, in this session, the reps are increasing as you go. The flow will look like: 3 calories + 3 lunges; 6 cals + 6 lunges; 9 cals + 9 lunges; 12 cals + 12 lunges…. And so on following the trend of adding 3 cals/reps every round until you get to the round of 30 calories and 30 lunges, which is the end mark of this session.
Since this is specifically a capacity session, the intent is to go as fast as you sustainably can. In other sessions, there’s a capacity piece in the PreFatigue that we specifically mention to hold back your output but this time there’s nothing to hold back for so give it all you got and see what kind of engine you have. This one is tricky because you get through the early rounds very quickly, however, there’s a moment of realization when the rounds start taking significantly longer to complete and you understand there’s still a lot of work to complete. This is the epiphany we’re looking for and from there all you can do is hold on and keep chugging along.