First Contact 0.02 Strength Endurance (Legs)

Legs focused, movement, and style introduction


Dumbbell (DB)Complex 4 times through, at least 1 min rest between. Start with going through each movement unweighted. Then add weight each time until it feels “heavy” but can still be performed as an unbroken set.

5 Deadlifts (either tip the DBs so the ends touch the floor or just go to mid-shin)

5 Lunges, each leg ( back step or front step)

5 Squats, (look for depth but keep a pretty neutral spine)

5 Step Ups, each leg (18-20” box)


3x5 Hip CARs (Controlled Articulating Rotations)

The Key here is to explore your individual range of motion and do your best to isolate and only move the joint in focus. Don’t be discouraged by trying to mirror our videos and not being able to mimic it just yet, it takes time. If you can, hold on to a rack or post and watch yourself in the mirror. Each CAR should take roughly 45 seconds, it is a slow movement.


4 Sets of

8 Goblet Squats + 12 Total Lunges

Combination movement so you won’t drop your implement in between the squats and lunges. Grab a Dumbbell or Kettlebell that you’re comfortable doing plenty of reps with, probably around 12kg to start and can always build from there. Hold the implement in front of you at chest level with both hands and do 8 squats right into 12 total back-step lunges. Somewhere between the 6th rep of the squats and the 4th rep of the lunges there should be a burning feeling in your quads, this means the weight is appropriate.

Rest is important here, not enough and it’s an overload of the signal, too much and the signal to the legs get dampened. Rest about 2-3 minutes between sets.


3 Rounds

10 Banded Hamstring Curls

10 Reverse Banded Squats

30sec  3rd World Squat Hold

Rest minimally between rounds

Keep the reps for the banded movements nice and slow, maintaining tension on the band the whole time between reps. The goal is 8-12 reps, the first round you should feel good about hitting 12 reps and by the third round 8 reps should feel difficult. A 3rd world squat hold is as low down as you can squat while keeping your heels planted on the ground. 30 seconds is an easy intro to spending more time here. Blended with the legs stuff before, it will tend to burn a bit.

Login into The Space Program or download the app (I set you up with an account and you should have verification in your email) Use the filtration option in the movement demos page to look for all movements using the filtration options.


First Contact 0.01 Strength Endurance (upper)


First Contact 0.03 Capacity