ESC : 035 FYF

Warm-up (kind of):

1000m Row (easy)

11x Bent-Row (back parallel to the floor) +

11x Hi-Row/Pull (pull DBs to sternum) +

11x Curl (strict) +

11x Standing Press +

11x Push-up

2000m C2 bike (easy) OR 1.25 mile Assault Bike (easy)

11x Bent-Row (back parallel to the floor) +

11x Hi-Row/Pull (pull DBs to sternum) +

11x Curl (strict) +

11x Standing Press +

11x Push-up

1000m Ski Erg (easy)

11x Bent-Row (back parallel to the floor) +

11x Hi-Row/Pull (pull DBs to sternum) +

11x Curl (strict) +

11x Standing Press +

11x Push-up


REPEAT the Warmup: But this time, GO HARD on the machines and choose DBs or BBs that you aren't sure you can manage

Notes: choose a weight for the first time through the circuit that you are confident will be easy (this is the warmup), and move through it to finish easily. Then choose a slightly scary weight (this is the work) and use some hubris when choosing your pace on the machines.

* Strict CURL until you can’t, then “cheat”

* Strict PRESS until you can’t, then “cheat”

* Strict HI ROW/Pull until you can’t, then “cheat”

If you do not have a variety of machines, you’re welcome to incorporate running - 800m will suffice to equal roughly a similar time domain as a 1k row/2k bike erg, etc. You can also utilize the same machine for all machine efforts. 


Welcome to what might be your first FYF (Fuck You Friday)! This session is pretty straightforward. The first round is the warmup round, so pacing should be easy, and the weight of the implement (barbell, dumbbell, kettlebell) you choose should be light. Rest as needed between the warmup and working set, but don’t get complacent. The second set is the working one, so your weight should be challenging. Perform all movements as strictly as possible until fatigue dictates that “cheating” is required, as mentioned above. 

For both the warmup and the working set, you will use ONE weight for all movements doing your best to get through each piece unbroken. Send it on the machines, but be mindful of the work you have left to complete. 


ESC : 034 Strength Endurance


Esc: 036 Endurance + Ladder